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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Favorite ways to de-stress!

Favorite ways to de-stress!

Did you know that stress can suppress your immune system, increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and more? As chaotic and crazy life can get, making sure that you are checking on your mental health is extremely important! It’s crucial that we make time for ourselves and do some selfcare, so we’ve listed some of Purlisse’s favorite ways to destress! 
Going for a bike ride
Not only is going for a bike ride extremely fun, but it’s also a workout! A great 2 in 1! Don’t own a bike? Find your local bike shop and rent one out for the day! Your body will thank you.
Unplugging and going outside 
We spend so much time on our electronics daily that sometimes we forget to just unplug and enjoy the moment. Taking a break from social media and enjoying nature is a great way to de-stress! 
Write down 3 things your grateful for 
Life can get crazy but once you actually take the time to write some things that you are really grateful for, it brings in a fresh perspective. You suddenly realize that you are worrying for no reason and you have all these amazing things in your life. Writing down the list is like a breath of fresh air and suddenly your worries don’t seem that bad anymore. 
At home spa night
Grab a face mask, preferably our Pumpkin + Ginger Detoxifying  Charcoal Mask and relax! Light a candle, read a book or watch your favorite movie and enjoy!  
Whether it’s for 5 minutes or an hour, take however long you need and truly just focus on your breath. Meditating is so powerful and really helps the body de-stress. Try saying some affirmations while you meditate, it really helps! 
We hope we got you to try something new today! De-stress and enjoy purlisse~sta babes! 

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