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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Protect with purlisse SPF 30

Protect with purlisse SPF 30

Summer is almost here! So make sure you are protecting your skin by wearing SPF, especially for your summer vacation. Whether you are hiking the Appalachian Trail, swimming in the Caribbean or Snowboarding in the Alps you need sunscreen! Without protection sun rays will penetrate deep into the skin causing damage in even the cloudiest and coldest climates. Sun causes irreversible damage to skin and is one of the leading causing of premature aging. If you want to age gracefully, you must be wearing sunscreen especially when you are outside for long periods of time. Don’t look back years later and wish you would have worn sunscreen.

Don’t wait till you’ve burned to apply sunscreen. When you burn or have a tan it is already too late. The sun has already wreaked havoc in your skin cells. Apply Essential Daily Moisturizer SPF 30  before you step outside! This will ensure you are protected from even the brightest sun. Don’t forget to reapply if you are outside for extended periods of time.

The Essential Daily Moisturizer SPF 30 includes algae extract which keeps skin hydrated all day while promoting a radiance. Vitamin E prevents aging while improving the texture of skin. This gentle moisturizer also includes soy protein which helps maintain soft and subtle skin. While packing for your outdoors adventure on Outdoors Day don’t forget to pack our Essential Daily Moisturizer SPF 30.

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