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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

You're So Down to Earth: Discover Mindful Beauty With Purlisse

You're So Down to Earth: Discover Mindful Beauty With Purlisse

Happy Earth Day, Purlisse~stas! This year marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate our beautiful home. Although times have been difficult, it’s safe to say that it has been a great year for mother nature! The stay-at-home order and self-isolation have had some remarkable effects on the environment— a decrease in pollution, clear water canals and better air quality to name a few.

Since we're unable to be with our community to celebrate this year’s theme, Restore Our Earth, the Purlisse team wanted to share some eco-conscious ideas and tips on how you can still enjoy the outdoors and contribute to the planet while at home!


How can you do your part to be more sustainable?

Purlisse: “We are always on the lookout for new and innovative sustainable packaging alternatives. Our most recent eco-update is the Blue Lotus Daily Moisturizer— now available in Reef Safe packaging to help prevent coral bleaching. Did we mention that all Purlisse bottles and cartons are almost entirely recyclable? Our carton papers are sourced from managed forests and we use 100% wind energy to print them.”

TalyaPhotographer: “Recycle, shop sustainable brands and reuse everything that you can whether it be from paper, plastic bags, or plastic tupperware from restaurant delivery orders.”

KimberVideographer: “I take my reusable water bottle with me everywhere!”

NicoleSocial Media Coordinator: “Whenever I go for a hike, I always pick up any trash that I see laying around and throw it in the nearest dumpster or recycling bin.” 

Ashley  Social Media & Marketing Manager: “Never use more water than you need! I always try to take shorter showers and turn off the sink water when it doesn’t need to be running.” 

Catalina  Executive Assistant & Operations Assistant: "Shop secondhand; REI has a whole used website if you’re looking for nice, durable secondhand gear. I also use biodegradable soap, especially when I camp/backpack.” 

BrookeCommunity Management: “I love shopping secondhand and using my sewing machine to fix any damages that happen to my clothes. A handy tip is to always read the care label on your clothes before washing them so that you can help increase their longevity (and decrease textile pollution!)” 

DaisyGraphic Designer: “I try to minimize waste and energy consumption as much as possible. This entails bringing my own bags to the grocery store, cutting my napkins in half, having low-flow faucets in every sink of the house, turning off the lights when I’m not in the room and taking short showers. I’ve also made it a habit to always travel with my reusable water bottle.”

IsabelGraphic Designer: “I am mindful about what beauty products I purchase, favoring eco-friendly ingredients. I also try to ride share when going places with a group to reduce air pollution.”


Sustainable at-home product alternatives:

-Brita or any type of water filter

-Metal or glass straws

-Reusable water bottles

-Reusable shopping bags

-Reusable cotton rounds

-Bamboo toothbrush

-The Last Swab— this is a super cool and innovative reusable cotton swap!

-Handkerchief (ditch the tissues!)

-Reusable food storage bags

-Bamboo toilet paper

-Mesh bags for produce

-Wool dryer balls

-Washable bamboo towels

-Biodegradable plates/cups/utensils


We hope that these eco-friendly tips have inspired you to think more consciously at home and do your part to Restore Our Earth!



Purlisse 🌎

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