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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Jennifer's New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

Happy New Year! Every year I love crafting a list of a few easy to attain New Year's Resolutions in order to keep myself on track and to continue growing. This year, I thought I would share some of my resolutions with you to inspire you all to do the same!


From our instagram: Everyday is a new day! #wednesdaywisdom #dontwait #goforit

1.  continue to believe in myself - as women, we will always be tested whether it’s personal or professional, believing in myself has never failed me.  

From our instagram: Happy Friday! We're mixing up some special ingredients @jenyen1 at #purlisse labs #FBF #latergram #beauty #skincare #babies #love

2.  being more present for my daughter, Gemma, she’s growing so fast (already 1 year old!) and I don’t want to lose out on any precious moments with her

From our instagram: Coffee, quinoa, chia and berries - yum and healthy! @toetjeaddicted #purlisse #skinfoods #beautyfromwithin #beauty #skincare ☀️

3.  work on being even healthier - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.   

 From my instagram @jenyen1: Finding balance @wholelife.balance #yoga #treepose ❤️

4. keep doing what I love - I love my job and our followers, customers & fans motivate me to continue to create healthy beauty products inspired by my Asian heritage.

 I'd love to hear what your resolutions are in the comments- Here's to a great 2016!

xo Jennifer

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