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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Our Team's Favorite Ways to Decompress

Our Team's Favorite Ways to Decompress

Jennifer ~ CEO & Founder
“I like to take a hot salt bath for 15 minutes, lay in bed and read!” 
Ashley ~ Social Media & Marketing Manager 
“My favorite way to decompress is to take a long hot shower and then lay in bed and watch Netflix”
Isabel ~ Graphic Designer
“When I want to decompress I take out my journal and write it out. I also have some music playing and that usually makes me feel better! This year I also got some crystal sound bowls which are great for meditation & setting intentions!”
Kyungmin ~ Graphic Designer
“I do pilates when I want to decompress. I can relieve stress and muscle tension!” 
Brooke ~ Operations Assistant
“I go to the dog park with Benson (my dog) for some puppy therapy” 
Joana ~ Social Media Coordinator 
“My go-to’s are reading, journaling, enjoying a nice day outside, watching tv, and shopping :)”
Bri ~ Influencer Marketing Coordinator 
“My favorite thing to do when I want to decompress is put on a face mask, light a candle and listen to my favorite music.”
Autumn~ Social Media Intern
“I like to do pilates, ballet, and eat lavender ice cream.”
Nichole~ Social Media Intern
“I love to take a hot bubble bath, drink peppermint tea, and read for a while.”

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