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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Happy First Day Of Summer ☀️

Happy First Day Of Summer ☀️

Happy First Day of Summer purlisse~sta!

We all love spending a Summer out in the shining sun and getting that deep Summer bronze. But did you know the sun and your Summer tan is creating irreversible damage to your skin? Sun exposure is the leading sign of premature aging. Many of these signs are hidden under the skin and do not show themselves for years. But just because you do not see them doesn't mean the damage isn’t happening!

We get it, the goal in the Summer for many is to be a tanned goddess. But did you know that even spending a few minutes in the sun unprotected or if you have gotten any “color” or a tan at all you have already received enough sun damage to cause premature aging?

Preserve your youth with our Blue Lotus Essential Daily Moisturizer SPF 30. It not only deeply moisturizes your skin but it also protects your skin and prevents aging by safeguarding your skin from all the sun’s rays, including UVA rays, which are known to be the rays to cause aging.

Looking for simplicity this Summer? Try our BB Tinted Moist Cream SPF 30. It will protect your skin from the harmful sun rays, while also moisturizing the skin and adding natural coverage.

Every time you step out of the house this Summer use a product with SPF, like our Blue Lotus Essential Daily Moisturizer SPF 30 or our BB Tinted Moist Cream SPF 30. Your future self will thank you.



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