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purlisse by Jennifer Yen

Introducing our new BLUE LOTUS Seed Mud Mask + Exfoliant! + GIVEAWAY

Introducing our new BLUE LOTUS Seed Mud Mask + Exfoliant! + GIVEAWAY

We're excited to announce that we are expanding our line of masks by adding our very first Mud Mask! This facial treatment renews your skin with gentle exfoliation from our key ingredient, Blue Lotus Seed. Watch and read more to find out about the mask ritual and it's ingredient benefits!

Enter the giveaway at the end of the post!


The Ritual

  1. Start off with cleansed skin
  2. Apply a thin layer to your face, neck and chest
  3. Set and dry for 10~15 minutes
  4. Remove mask by rinsing with warm water, use gentle circular motions
  5. Repeat 2~3 times a week

The Ingredients

Blue Lotus

Our signature ingredient here at pur~lisse! The Blue Lotus is our go-to beauty secret because it is antioxidant-rich and has anti-inflammatory benefits that calm your skin and boost radiance. This mask features the seeds of the plant to use as a gentle exfoliant.


 is chalk full of benefits! Bamboo is an ingredient known for high content in silicia, which helps balance skin and retain moisture. It was included in this mask to improve the overall appearance and texture of your skin, which you can see immediately after using.



Mushroom are essentials because they are chock full of vitamin D, which helps brighten skin tone and helps delay radical signs of ageing. Making this mask perfect for those looking to fade acne scars and discoloration. 

White Tea

With the exfoliation in the mask it is important to balance it with a calming benefit.  White tea is another favorite here at pur~lisse because of its soothing properties. It's the perfect ingredient for all skin types, and especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin.


Ginger is another antioxidant that fights radical damage and protects your skin against ageing. This ingredient is added as a preventative measure, and makes it perfect for those looking to preserve the youthful natural glow in their skin.






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